We are introducing the work of the CXI: team Public space
We have prepared a series of articles to help you answer what is hidden under the title Citizen Experience and Well-being Institute (CXI). What is its role, who creates it, and why do we need CXI?
CXI is an institute that does research and analysis to improve services and the environment in the city. It is made up of a group of researchers from different backgrounds. The results of their work are recommendations for Košice’s Municipality Office. This is how they help the city create the environment for a better life for you – citizens of Košice. Internally, the CXI is divided into teams that specialize in public space issues, urban service design, and well-being analysis.
CXI is one of the departments of the non-profit organization Creative Industry Košice, which was created thanks to the Košice 2.0 project.
Public space under the supervision of users
The first team we will introduce to you is the “Space team”. As its name suggests, he is primarily interested in public space. Defining it can sometimes be complicated because the public and private spheres often overlap, influence, and need each other in a city environment.
Public means freely accessible – to anyone, without distinction. Therefore, the public space serves all residents or visitors to the city. It can be a park, a street in front of your house or entrance, a square, a sidewalk, or a road.
How the team Public space works
Its work can be divided into research and terrain. In the first research phase, researchers collect data, such as maps. They evaluate the available information and identify what needs to be added. Then they prepare procedures on how to do it as best as possible.
In addition to the data evaluation, they are actively moving in public spaces. They map – examine space and user relationships in the localities they are in charge of. At present, it is Námestie osloboditeľov, Anička, or the Technical University campus – if you want to know more about what they do and why – watch us carefully!
V neposlednom rade je náplňou ich práce participácia – teda aj vaše podieľanie sa na výskume a tvorbe kvalitnejšieho mestského prostredia. Preto, až sa budete pohybovať v daných lokalitách, zbystrite svoju p
Last but not least, the scope of their work is participation – it also includes your participation in research and the creation of a better urban environment. Therefore, when you move within those localities, be aware, and you will meet them for sure.
Improve the environment in which we live
The work of the team Public space leads to this goal. Their recommendations can help the city to improve public space, where every user will feel comfortable, safe, and equal. At first sight, there are simple solutions, such as quality sidewalks, safe crosswalks or bike paths, parks, and recreation areas, that meet the needs of all visitors. The team’s mission is also to rediscover the potential of the places that are invisible or neglected.