Košice 2.0 x Art & Tech Days 2022: Opening act

  • Kunsthalle, Rumanova 1
  • 23. November 2022
  • 20:00
Opening act of the 6th year of Art & Tech Days is here. An unique multimedia performance will take place on November 23 at 8:00 PM in the Kunsthalle. You can find tickets at this link.

Rozi Mákó, Nano vjs, sedemminut
Live AV act

Budapest musician Rozi Mákó and experimenter of electronic music in connection with visuals from Nano vjs and light design from sedemminut will create a joint live audiovisual act within the Art & Tech days festival. A unique site-specific project will be created in the premises of the Košice Kunsthalle, which will connect real-time generated visuals, light design and vjing with a tailor-made electronic ambience. The unique space with epic visuals will provide space for an immersive audiovisual experience, where the sound data and outputs of the musician are transformed into new worlds of digital utopia. 

Rozi Mákó/HU
Visual media art collective founded in 2010 by Beáta Kolbašovská and Jakub Pišek in Košice. They specialize in video mapping, light installations, live visuals, VJing, interactive installations and multimedia performances in Slovakia and abroad. They cooperate with musicians, bands, DJs, independent theaters, contemporary dancers and performers. Through creative and experimental artistic production with an interdisciplinary approach, they create site-specific projects, directly tailor-made. Recently, their works, multimedia performances and live visuals could be seen from Ľuboreč to Tokyo, Boston, Rzeszow, Považská Bystrica, and all the way to Košice.

Nano vjs/SK
Vizuálny media artový kolektív založený v roku 2010 Beátou Kolbašovskou a Jakubom Pišekom v Košiciach.
Špecializujú sa na video mapping, svetelné inštalácie, live vizuál, VJing, interaktívne inštalácie a multimediálne performance na Slovensku a v zahraničí. Spolupracujú s hudobníkmi, kapelami, DJmi, nezávislými divadlami, súčasnými tanečníkmi aj performermi. Tvorivou a experimentálnou umeleckou produkciou s interdisciplinárnym prístupom vytvárajú site-specific projekty, priamo šité na mieru. Ich diela, multimediálne performance a živé vizuály bolo možné v poslednom období vidieť od Ľuborča cez Tokyo, Boston, Rzeszow, Považskú Bystricu, až po Košice.

The author of many lighting designs and installations, he went through his journey of light through photography, VJ-ing, concert lighting, theatrical light design and all the way to roxor. He understands light and uses it from the point of view of various professions. He understands its physicality, its purpose, but also its aesthetic value. For his works, light is a “key material” that can shape and bend the intentions of his statement.

Find event at Facebook of Art & Tech Days.
Tickets for Art & Tech Days 2022:
Opening Act: bit.ly/opening_act
Conference: bit.ly/atdays_conference

More info Art & Tech Days.

The event is held in collaboration with the Košice 2.0 project, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative.The festival was supported from public funds by the Slovak Art Council.