Did you miss the online discussion about design or cryptocurrencies?

[Meetups, Video]

The online discussions within the Eastside Heroes series address topics that resonate in the IT world and are also attractive in the creative industry. Two of the most-watched meetings opened the issues of graphic design and the world of cryptocurrencies.

Design is one of those concepts that everyone understands, but not really at all. It is all around us; it can be good, bad, functional, non-functional, attractive, uninteresting, pretty, or even ugly. Where can we find design, and how can it help or hurt.

Watch the online discussion with Martin Kossuth, CEO and senior UX designer at More Design.

The magic words crypto, cryptocurrency, and blockchain, despite all the negative, positive or confusing, are forming an ever-growing fan base. For some a form of free money, the opportunity to invest or achieve freedom on the Internet; for others, speculation and a dangerous way to cover up criminal activities and illegal activity.

An online discussion with Peter Tóth from the Košice company Hotovo brought an answer not only to how it all started but also an overview of what is happening in blockchain outside the world of cryptocurrencies. For more, watch the video below.