Eastside Heroes Vol. 6: Contemporary art: How does the contemporary art scene look like in Eastern Slovakia?

  • Online event
  • 14. October 2021
  • 18:00

“We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand.”

This Picasso’s quote really fits today’s world. Art has been a part of human living since the very beginning. Schools, media, and our surroundings help us to identify many different elements of art. After all, is there anyone who wouldn’t recognize the Mona Lisa?

But what does the artwork of young artists in Eastern Slovakia look like?

Who and what creates it?

Where can I see their art pieces, and where to find the information?

If you are interested in what the contemporary art scene looks like in the Eastern part of Slovakia, what helps the artists, and what they lack on the other side, join us at this online event.

We will talk with Nikolas Bernháth, the curator of VUNU Gallery and the Minister of the East Coast for the Gemer region at the same time.

You need to register in advance for this eventhttps://bit.ly/ESH_sucasneumenie